A Proud Environmental Champion, Sen. Hwang Earns 100 on CTLCV Scorecard

November 16, 2015

Citing his leadership in helping to pass the Long Island Sound Blue Plan, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) named state Sen. Tony Hwang (R-29) a Legislative Champion in its 2015 Environmental Scorecard.

An annual report by the CTLCV, the Environmental Scorecard rates legislators based on their voting record for key pieces of legislation.

“Senator Hwang is one of our go-to champions in the Connecticut General Assembly. He has worked tirelessly to move key environmental bills forward, first in the House and now in the Senate​,” ​said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “His constituents should know that he is passionate about protecting the resources of our state and has proven to be a highly effective advocate on these issues at the Capitol. We will be counting on him again in 2016.”

“I am incredibly proud to have earned this recognition from the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters, which is such a wonderful and effective advocate for our environment,” Sen. Hwang said. “More importantly, my support for environmental legislation is an extension of my commitment to our community, the values we espouse and the priority we place on protecting our natural world for future generations.”

“I am especially pleased that we were able to pass the Long Island Blue Plan, in a truly bipartisan fashion, given its significance in ensuring that we are striking a healthy balance in the commercial and recreational uses of the Sound with preservation efforts for this vital nature resource,” Sen. Hwang said.

“While it’s important to recognize our shared success and thank all the advocates, we must not rest on our laurels,” Sen. Hwang added. “Because our environment is a living entity that is constantly changing and always at risk, our approach to protecting it must also adapt, evolve and be an ongoing effort.”

For more information about the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters, visit http://www.ctlcv.org/.