Photo | Sen. Sampson, Rep. Mastrofrancesco Honored as FOI Champions

June 13, 2024


State Sen. Rob Sampson and State Rep. Gale Mastrofrancesco on June 12 were honored by the Connecticut Council on Freedom of Information as Champion of Open Government Award recipients at the organization’s annual awards ceremony. As ranking members of the Government Administration and Elections Committee, the lawmakers have been fierce advocates for the public’s right to know how its government conducts business, and oppose legislation that prevents scrutiny through the Freedom of Information Act.


That law, enacted in 1975, guarantees that municipal and state agency meetings are open to the public, that notice of meetings and hearings are adequately given and that governmental records are available for viewing.


“We are proud to be champions of the public’s right to know, and thank you to the council for its important work to promote honest government. Good government is only possible when it operates in the open and is answerable to the people. We will continue supporting laws that promote transparency,” they said.