Rob Sampson, re-elected to a fourth term in 2024, represents Connecticut’s 16th District. He is the Ranking Member on the Government Administration & Elections Committee, the Housing Committee, and the Labor & Public Employees Committee. Rob is widely known as an advocate for America’s core principles, restoring our system of limited, representative, constitutional government, protecting private contracts and defending the natural rights of his constituents.
Intro: Despite its name, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)” policies are not about fairness, opportunity, or unity. They are a thinly veiled system of race and gender-based discrimination designed to divide Americans for political gain. Rather than fostering meritocracy, DEI reduces people to identity categories, rewarding or punishing them for traits beyond their control. It is not a mistake or a misunderstanding—it is a deliberate tool of power that undermines the principles of equal opportunity and individual liberty.