Senator Kelly Comments on Legislative Republican Proposed Budget
April 27, 2017“A proposal that will eliminate the volatility that has plagued our state’s finances throughout the past six years”
HARTFORD, Conn. – Today State Senator Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement regarding the proposed Legislative Republican Budget, “A Confident Connecticut.” The proposal closes the current projected state deficit over the next two years without new taxes and without pushing state responsibilities onto towns, cities or hospitals.
“Today Legislative Republicans offered Connecticut a budget plan that create stability and predictability across the state, a budget plan that is not only realistic but provides for significant structural changes in state government that will put our state back on the right path, a fiscally conservative path,” said Sen. Kelly.
“Our proposal includes increased education funding with a new funding formula, restores money for social services and prioritizes transportation – specifically dedicating $63 billion to transportation needs over 30 years without tolls or new taxes,” said Sen. Kelly.
“This proposal also realizes some considerable structural changes to our state government – we need to rethink the current size and shape of state government. This budget does that by consolidating duplicative administrative functions and privatizing specific functions to best protect core services and maximize efficiencies,” said Sen. Kelly.
“This proposal also protects our aging population, by rejecting cuts to the CT Home Care Program, restoring the personal needs allowance, providing retirees tax breaks and restoring funding for the Meals on Wheels program,” said Sen. Kelly. “Maintaining these services will ultimately help seniors age in place, which is not only more cost-effective, but many times what seniors want.”
“I am pleased to stand behind this proposal, a proposal that will create stability for families and jobs, and a proposal that will eliminate the volatility that has plagued our state’s finances throughout the past six years,” said Sen. Kelly.
A Confident Connecticut Budget Detail