Ebola Information for Connecticut Residents
October 24, 2014Below, please find important information about Connecticut’s response to the international Ebola outbreak. The following links to state and federal resources will help keep you informed and provide answers to many questions about the disease.
During the past several weeks the state has done the following including:
- The state has an Emergency order to quarantine an individual or group of individuals.
- State Department of Public Health commissioner has invoked the Emergency order.
- State Public Health officials are going above and beyond what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is requiring.
- A Unified Command Team from several state agencies will be responsible for coordinating resources with public if need be.
- The Command Team will be charged with making sure the appropriate training is made available to all first responders.
- 2-1-1 United Way is on alert to help public understand the facts surrounding Ebola.
- The state is asking all entities including hospitals, large and small along with acute care facilities to have an Ebola drill.
If at any point there is a case confirmed, the CDC rapid response team will be dispatched to Connecticut and work with the state based unified command team. Area hospitals have also stepped up their emergency preparedness for Ebola, providing additional training to staff and stockpiling supplies.
State Ebola Information Website: www.ct.gov/ebola
Federal Ebola Information Website: www.cdc.gov/ebola (en Español)
CDC Fact Sheet: What You Need to Know about Ebola
This two-page fact sheet for the general public details how Ebola is spread and how individuals can protect themselves.
Infographic: Facts about Ebola
DPH Fact Sheet: Cleaning and Disinfecting Indoor Spaces
Advisories: CDC Travel Advisories