Senator Kelly Supports Cleaner, Cheaper and More Reliable Energy
May 1, 2013Hartford – State Senator Kevin C. Kelly (R-21) released the following statement re: Senate Bill 1138, An Act Concerning Connecticut’s Clean Energy Goals:
“We are in desperate need of lower electricity rates. Connecticut has one of the highest electricity rates in the nation, second only to Hawaii. This burden only adds to the already high cost of living that is crushing retirees and provides no incentive for younger people to stay here to raise their families. Further, it adds to the high cost of doing business that also kills jobs at a time of high unemployment.
“While I understand the concerns that this bill could take funding away from other sources of renewable energy, I believe that lower electricity rates will provide families much needed relief in their household budgets and improve the prospect of jobs going forward. While we don’t know the future cost of electricity, we do know that its cost will increase over time, and to do nothing to solve that problem is not an answer.
“After reviewing the bill and weighing the potential benefit, I voted in favor of this legislation so that residents throughout our state will have access to cleaner, cheaper and more reliable sources of electricity.”