Operation Fuel to Begin Taking Energy Assistance Applications Thursday, December 1st

November 30, 2016

operationfuelnewOperation Fuel’s statewide winter energy assistance program will start taking applications Thursday, December 1st. Families and individuals who are struggling financially and need energy assistance should call 211 to find their closest fuel bank.

Operation Fuel is a private, nonprofit organization that provides emergency energy assistance year-round through its fuel banks to lower-income working families and individuals, the elderly, and disabled individuals who are in financial crisis.

This past fiscal year, Operation Fuel provided more than $3.18 million in energy assistance to more than 7,705 households.

For more information on Operation Fuel or to make a donation, go to operationfuel.org. Donations may also be sent to Operation Fuel, 75 Charter Oak Avenue, Suite 2-240, Hartford, CT, 06106.