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  • Write a Letter to the Editor

    Unless otherwise noted, it is recommended that letters be under 200 words
    *indicates required field

    • Cheshire Herald

      [contact-form 22 “LTE – Cheshire Herald”]

    • Cheshire Patch

      [contact-form 90 “LTE – Cheshire Patch”]

    • Meriden Record Journal

      [contact-form 79 “LTE – Meriden Record Journal”]

    • Southington Citizen

      [contact-form 53 “LTE – Southington Citizen”]

    • Southington Observer

      [contact-form 54 “LTE – Southington Observer”]

    • Waterbury Republican-American

      [contact-form 88 “LTE – Waterbury Republican-American”]

    • Hartford Courant

      The Courant welcomes letters on matters of public interest. Please fill out the form below. Your full name, hometown, phone number and e-mail address are required for verification, but only your name and hometown will be used. Your letter should be exclusive to The Courant.

      Letters should not exceed 200 words. We reserve the right to edit and shorten the text. Anonymous letters, letters using a pseudonym and open letters will not be published. Writers will ordinarily be limited to one letter published in the print version every two months.

      Your submission will be reviewed and, if accepted, will be edited and posted to the Opinion Page.

      If your item is breaking news or is not intended for publication, please send your item using the News Tips form by clicking here.

      Your contact information: (In case we have a question. The submitter’s name will be published, but contact information will not.)

      *Full Name:   

         (Must be the name of a person or organization.)

      *Your town:   

                    (If outside CT, include town and state.)

      Organization, Company or Title:   
         (If you are submitting this article as a representative or

         on behalf of an organization, company or government
          entity, please include that affiliation here.)


      Write your letter.

      Suggested Title:   
      *Your Letter to the Editor
      (200 words or less):

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