
  • Fiscal Accountability
  • Fiscal Accountabilty >>

  • I am the descendant of a long line of old Yankees, and I have inherited their thrift. Give me a budget and I will cut it.Our Republican caucus has proposed a list of reforms called the “Common Sense Commitment.”
  • elderly-care >>

  • I believe small, community-based care centers offer the possibility of better living situations at lower cost. You may have heard others suggest the need to expand home health care for seniors.  I know that field well: as chairman of the legislative Human Services committee…
  • dpuc
  • Less Government >>

  • Government works best when it is nearest the source and foundation of its authority, the people. I have found broad popular support for the principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and personal and economic liberty.
  • dpuc
  • Department of Public Utility Control >>

  • The limited government part has lead me to take on an Energy issue no one really saw coming. I filed a lawsuit against the department of Public Utility Control for what I call an unfair tax grab. There is a surcharge attached to everyone’s monthly electric bill.