“Sickening.” CT Senate GOP statement on Danbury Sex Trafficking Arrests

March 14, 2025

“Sickening.”  CT Senate GOP statement on Danbury Sex Trafficking Arrests - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sen. Paul Cicarella, Sen. Rob Sampson, Sen. Eric Berthel and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding the recent arrests at a sex trafficking operation in Danbury. (https://www.nydailynews.com/2025/03/13/danbury-ct-human-trafficking-brothel-raid/)

“Sickening. Punishments for criminals must be strengthened. Protections for victims must be strengthened.

This bust happened in Danbury. We commend local police and the FBI for this crackdown.

But similar crimes are likely occurring throughout CT.

We must look at our sex trafficking laws in a comprehensive way.  We must act to prevent this from happening.”