“Desperately needed”: Sens. Fazio & Harding Statement on Governor’s Energy Supply Push
March 12, 2025

Sen. Ryan Fazio and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding Gov. Lamont’s push to get more energy from nuclear and natural gas into New England. (https://ctmirror.org/2025/03/11/ned-lamont-donald-trump-nuclear-energy-natural-gas/)
“We are aligned with the governor’s goals of ensuring an affordable supply of electricity.
It is desperately needed in CT, which is now #2 in the U.S. for energy costs.
Without affordable supply, CT working families’ budgets will continue to get crushed for years and years by their electricity bills.
We urge the governor to continue to work with the legislature and federal officials alike to reduce barriers to future nuclear power deployment, especially small modular reactors.
We urge the governor to work expeditiously with neighboring states to explore greater access to natural gas here in Connecticut in order to lower costs and protect winter reliability.
We also agree with the governor on the need for Congress to ‘rethink’ the burdensome and unfair 105-year old maritime law called the Jones Act. Jones Act reform can lower the cost of bringing liquified natural gas to CT.
At the State Capitol, Republicans continue to press to get the hidden public benefits tax removed from our bills. Our six-point plan can bring about thousands of dollars worth of relief for consumers, but Democrat lawmakers in Hartford have opposed it.
That said, we are ready and able to work with the governor, our legislative colleagues, and federal officials alike to lower energy costs for CT residents.”