CT Senate GOP Statement on Bill 1226: “Would throw public accountability & transparency in the trash.”
March 7, 2025

Sen. Rob Sampson, Sen. Henri Martin and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding Bill 1226, which aims to exempt from public disclosure all records arising out of teaching and research (with the exception of budgets) at CT public colleges and universities.
“Republicans vehemently oppose this bill.
We have all clearly seen the arrogant and outrageous waste, fraud and abuse in CT public higher education.
Pricey steak dinners. Chauffeured rides.
Trips to Disney, Portugal, Ireland and around the globe.
All on the taxpayers’ dime.
This bill would dilute the FOIA and throw public accountability and transparency in the trash.
Gov. Lamont should speak out against it. Will he?”