“Common sense”: CT Senate GOP Statement on CT Licensure Fee Elimination Proposal
March 3, 2025

Sen. Ryan Fazio, Sen. Jeff Gordon and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding the governor urging the legislature to approve bipartisan legislation that was introduced by Sen. Fazio and cosponsored by Sen. Gordon which eliminates the fees workers in certain professions are required to pay when initially applying for occupational licenses, as well as the fees associated with renewing them.
“For too long, excessive licensure fees have discouraged talented individuals from entering and remaining in Connecticut’s workforce.
From electricians to teachers to nurses to social workers and beyond, we should not be forcing these workers to pay an annual fee in excess of $500 every year to the government just for the right to work.
By eliminating these fees, we are sending a clear message that we want workers to stay, grow, and thrive here. Not take their talents to other states.
This is a common sense step toward making Connecticut more competitive.”