CT Senate GOP on Offshore Wind Bid Delay: “Think your electricity bills are high now?”
August 9, 2024Senate Republican Leader Stephen Harding and Sen. Ryan Fazio, Senate Ranking Member of the Energy and Technology Committee today issued the following statement regarding bid selection and contract negotiations for Connecticut offshore wind solicitation being delayed a month to Sept. 6.
“Think your Connecticut electricity bills are high now? Wait until this state government contract for expensive offshore wind eventually gets signed. The contract, that residents will have to pay for, is expected to cost roughly $150 per Megawatt-hour compared to the $30 price of electricity in the competitive wholesale market. That doesn’t seem reasonable to us. This is why Senate and House Republicans are united in demanding an immediate special session at the State Capitol. We can limit all future Power Purchase Agreements so that no contract can be for more than 150% over the wholesale electric market price. We can remove the hidden taxes from electric bills. We can stop the bleeding. Call Connecticut Democrats today. Tell them enough is enough. Demand that they do something about sky-high electricity costs.”