Sen. Seminara Joins Republicans to Call for Special Session on Electric Rates

August 9, 2024

State Sen. Lisa Seminara joined Republicans at the State Capitol in calling for a special legislative session to tackle high electric rates in Connecticut.

“We need a Special Session of the state legislature as soon as possible to pass policies which we have offered in the past that can lower electric bills,” Sen. Seminara said. “We hope these commonsense ideas will garner bipartisan support.”

Details of the plan are here. Watch the press conference here.

“I urge ratepayers to continue to send me photos of how your bills have jumped,” Sen. Seminara said. “Your input will help create momentum to pass policies which can provide much needed relief. I am laser-focused on helping to pass solutions which address these unaffordable costs. We must take action to help people.”

Among the reasons for the higher bills is a charge on the bill called “public benefit charges”, which cover costs for state-mandated government policies.

“I view these as hidden taxes and they should not be at the expense of our ratepayers,” Sen. Seminara said.

Another reason for the higher bills is the nearly-four-year, state-mandated moratorium on power shut-offs during the pandemic. Consumers who have consistently paid their bills now have to foot those accumulated costs.

“The bottom line,” Sen. Seminara said, “Is we must go into a special session as soon as possible to help families, seniors, those on fixed incomes, and job-creating businesses.”

Photo above: Sen. Lisa Seminara stands next to a posterboard of recent news headlines depicting the spike in electricity bills. Sen. Seminara and Republicans say a special session must be held to provide ratepayers with relief.