Sen. Seminara: First in the Nation Wheelchair Repairs Legislation Heads to Gov’s Desk

May 8, 2024

“I was honored to be a part of this landmark legislation.”

Sen. Lisa Seminara, Ranking Senator on the Human Services Committee and a longtime advocate for the disabled, today applauded the legislature’s final passage of legislation which seeks to decrease the amount of time it takes to get a wheelchair repaired in Connecticut. The bill now awaits the governor’s signature.

Under the legislation, Connecticut would be the first state in the nation to regulate wheelchair repairs, reducing the existing long wait times.

“It is unacceptable for someone who depends on wheelchair assistance to not to have the means to get around,” Sen. Seminara said. “We want to reduce frustrating long wait times for wheelchair repairs. We want to ensure this population has their needs met and address the concerns of consumers. Our bipartisan work on this issue and our dedication to protecting the rights of people with disabilities will continue.”

Sen. Seminara, who served for nearly one year on the state’s Wheelchair Repair Task Force, heard repeatedly from people from across Connecticut on how difficult it is to get a wheelchair repaired. The legislation implements recommendations of the task force.

“I was honored to be a part of this landmark legislation,” Sen. Seminara said. “This bill is a good start and reflects a step in the right direction. I pledge to continue to be a leading voice on these important issues.”