Sen. Sampson, Rep. Mastrofrancesco: CT Dems’ ‘Wait and See’ Approach to Early Voting Unacceptable

April 18, 2024

State Sen. Rob Sampson and State Rep. Gale Mastrofrancesco, ranking members of the legislature’s Government Administration and Elections Committee, today reacted to Majority Democrats’ “wait and see” approach to assisting municipalities with costs associated with early voting.


“We raised the issue of cost at every turn during the committee process and in debate on the Senate and House floor. All the while, Majority Democrats dismissed this legitimate concern. Now, here we are approaching an early voting rollout this fall where cash-strapped towns are on the hook for the costs related to 14 full days.


“Many towns have already resorted to raising taxes to find ways to fund critical services and programs. If early voting is as pressing of a concern as Democrats have portrayed it to be, they should find a way to pay for it. Instead, Majority Democrats are essentially suggesting that towns ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’ when it comes to funding early voting. This is another example of how Democrats place politics instead of practicality above all,” they said.