Sen. Fazio letter to Wall St. Journal: “Imagine if…”

June 13, 2023

Connecticut Could Use Some More Republicans

For Democrats, a tax cut is a revelation.


Wall Street Journal Letter to the Editor

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont deserves credit for pushing to cut the state income tax for the first time in three decades (“Connecticut May Cut Taxes, of All Things,” Review & Outlook, June 5).

Connecticut Republicans, however, have driven the discussion in Hartford toward tax cuts and fiscal responsibility.

Last month, the Senate Republican caucus offered the largest tax cut in Connecticut’s history, larger than what the governor proposed and much larger than what was supported by the Democratic majority.

We pushed for broad-based, meaningful tax relief—a saving of $1,090 a household—that is neither targeted nor temporary.

Connecticut Republicans also pushed back on Democratic attempts to effectively dismantle the bipartisan spending caps and budgetary guardrails that have helped create our surplus and reduce long-term state debt. Those fiscal guardrails ain’t broke, and they don’t need fixing.

Now, imagine if Connecticut, the Constitution state, elected more Republicans.

Ryan Fazio
Greenwich, Conn.

Mr. Fazio, a Republican, represents Connecticut’s 36th Senate district.