Sen. Kissel applauds veto of solitary confinement legislation

June 30, 2021


Sen. John A. Kissel, R-Enfield, today applauded the governor for vetoing a bill which would have limited the Connecticut Department of Correction’s use of solitary confinement.

The ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Kissel said the
legislation, if enacted, would have put the safety of Connecticut correction employees at risk.

Sen. Kissel’s district is home to several corrections facilities in Enfield, Somers and Suffield.

Sen. Kissel noted that the incarcerated are placed in statuses according to the risk they pose to themselves or others.

“Why hamstring the DOC with a one-size-fits-all approach, one that takes away a potentially useful disciplinary tool?” Sen. Kissel said. “The safety of our hard-working DOC employees – as well as the safety of the inmates – must be our priority.”