Kelly: Washington partisanship should not hinder bipartisan health care progress in CT

September 22, 2020

Sen. Kelly Statement re: Scanlon/Lesser Press Conference Today


HARTFORD –  State Senator Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), Ranking Member of the Insurance & Real Estate Committee, released the following statement in response to a press conference held today by the Democrat co-chairs of the Insurance Committee on the dynamics in Washington, D.C. on the Affordable Care Act:


“In Connecticut, Republicans and Democrats have worked together to protect the very provisions of the federal law discussed today. CT Republicans believe every person deserves access to health care that is truly affordable. We believe in preserving essential rights, protecting people with preexisting conditions and addressing health equity. Unlike the disfunction in Washington, Republicans in Connecticut have also shown real solutions and ideas to make health care more accessible and affordable for all people. Bipartisanship in Connecticut has made our state a leader in protecting people with preexisting conditions, expanding women’s health care coverage, banning prescription drug price gouging and stopping surprise medical bills, but clearly more must be done. Now more than ever, when partisanship is in overdrive in Washington, Connecticut needs to continue to work in a bipartisan effort to improve health care for all people.”