Sen. Martin, Rep. Petit Join Bell Ringing Campaign

December 12, 2018

My colleague, Represetative Bill Petit, and I will be Bell Ringing with the Salvation Army at Gnazzo’s in Plainville this Friday. Be sure to Stop by and say Hello!

For as long as The Salvation Army has been in existence, bell ringers have been at the heart of its mission. Donations collected at the red kettles fund programs and services that transform broken lives – sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, making Christmas possible, and meeting the greatest need.

The Salvation Army bell ringing season starts each November and runs through Christmas Eve, when the red kettles are packed away for the season. Volunteers are the difference between an empty kettle and one that raises about $30 per hour – enough to provide a family with two bags of groceries, or shelter an individual for a night.

If you want to be a bell ringer, sign up at



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