Weekend Offers Opportunity to Thank, Support Veterans

November 9, 2018


This weekend, parades and ceremonies provide us an opportunity to show our respect for those who have served our country in the military and to thank them for that service. We owe our veterans immense gratitude for the sacrifices they made to defend our country, its freedoms, and our way of life.

Below is a list of some of the events this weekend where you can show your thanks and support for local veterans and organizations that provide support for veterans and their families.

Nov. 10

4 p.m. – St. Joseph Church, located on 33 Queen St, Bristol, will be celebrating a Veterans Mass. There will be refreshments afterwards.

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – There will be a Chili Cook Off fundraiser at Yankee Harley-Davidson, 488 Farmington Ave., to benefit the Fisher House. Military people who show ID get to taste for free. A $5 donation is suggested.

Nov. 11

8 to 11 a.m. – The American Legion Post 2, located on 22 Hooker Court, will have their monthly breakfast. The breakfast will include eggs any style, create your own omelets, pancakes, French toast, sausage, ham, home fries, coffee, tea and orange juice. Tickets are $7 per person. Take-out orders are available. For any questions, contact Rich Kilby at 860-329-2066.

11 a.m.- The Bristol Veterans Council will host their annual Veterans Day Ceremony, located at Chippens Hill Middle School on 551 Peacedale St., Bristol. The guest speaker will be former Mayor Bill Stortz. Bev Strong, Bristol’s lone surviving widow of a World War I veteran, will also be getting a bouquet of flowers during the event.

1 p.m. – The American Legion Post 2 will be hosting a luncheon located at 22 Hooker Court.

1 p.m. – There will be a Veterans Day Ceremony at Forestville Center.

4 p.m.- The Bristol Brass and Wind Ensemble is performing a free Veterans Day Concert at Chippens Hill Middle School, located on 551 Peacedale St., Bristol.

Nov. 12

4 to 6 p.m. – The Bristol Elks Lodge motto is “So Long As There Are Veterans, We Will Never Forget Them.” Join them for an ice cream sundae at the lodge, located on 126 South St. Come through the back entrance. This event is free.

Nov. 15

10:45 a.m. – There will be an annual Veterans Thanksgiving Lunch located at the Bristol Central High School Cafeteria at 480 Wolcott St., Bristol.

Nov. 18

10:15 a.m. – The Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, located on 27 Judd St., Bristol, will host their annual Veterans Day Salute and Mass.

God bless our veterans and God bless the United States of America

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