Starting Tuesday, Oct. 9: Tree/Vegetation Removal Project along I-395 SB in Montville

October 2, 2018

Tree and Vegetation Removal Project along I-395 SB in Montville and the Montville Connector in Waterford/Montville

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a tree and vegetation removal project  will be performed on I-395 SB in Montville and SR 693 (Montville Connector) NB & SB in Waterford/Montville, beginning Tuesday, October 9.

The project consists of tree and vegetation removal on I-395 SB in Montville and SR 693 (Montville Connector) NB & SB in Waterford/Montville.  The project is scheduled to be performed from Tuesday, October 9, 2018, to Friday, October 26.


Motorists can expect a lane closures on I-395 SB from the Moxley Road underpass to the southbound junction to SR 693 in Montville and SR 693 (Montville Connector) NB & SB from Route 32 to SR 693 end in Waterford/Montville.  Crash attenuator vehicles and signing patterns will be utilized to guide motorists through the work zone.  The work schedule for this project is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday)

Motorists should be aware that modifications or extensions to this schedule may become necessary due to weather delays or other unforeseen conditions.  Motorists are advised to maintain a safe speed when driving in this vicinity.