Sen. Berthel and Rep. Labriola Tour Oxford Businesses
October 10, 2018Sen. Eric Berthel (left), Josh Miller of A1 Pools (center), and Rep. David Labriola (right). Berthel and Labriola stopped by A1 pools on a tour of businesses in Oxford on Thursday October 4th.
Sen. Eric Berthel (far right) and Rep. David Labriola (center right) speak with Norm and Donna Cloutier at Oxford Baking Co. The legislators visited the Oxford Bakng Co. as part of their business tour of Oxford on October 4th.
Sen. Eric Berthel (left) and Rep. David Labriola (right) with Frank Diaserio at Oxford Pharmacy. The stop was part of the legislators’ tour of Oxford businesses on October 4th.