See a School Bus Flashing Its Red Warning Lights? Stop! It’s the Law
August 31, 2018Connecticut schools are back in session and drivers need to pay more attention to their behavior on the road. Children walking to school, crossing guards, and parents picking up and unloading children require that drivers practice caution. And don’t forget about school buses being added to already busy roads.
Connecticut law requires drivers to stop when school buses use their red flashing lights to indicate they are stopped. School buses flash their yellow lights to warn that they will stop soon and motorists approaching a bus from behind or on the opposite side of the road should prepare to stop as well. The fine in Connecticut for passing a school bus flashing its red warning lights starts at $465 for a first offense. It only goes up from there.
At this same time, lower speed limits marked for school zones must be followed when flashing lights indicate that class is in session. Connecticut fines are doubled for speeding in a school zone during hours when the lights are flashing.
The Connecticut Department of Transportation lists tips for drivers, parents, and students to stay safe during the school year. You can find them here.