“Ratepayers are confused.”
April 19, 2018Sen. Len Suzio issued the following statement regarding the Office of Consumer Counsel’s filing of a cease and desist motion in the Liberty Power docket:
(http://www.ct.gov/occ/lib/occ/occ_press_release_cease__desist_liberty_power_04_19_18.pdf ):
“As someone who continues to fight for clarity with respect to Connecticut ratepayers’ electricity bills, I applaud the Office of Consumer Counsel for taking this tough stance on unscrupulous tactics in the industry,” Suzio said. “My point all along has been that ratepayers are confused. That confusion makes consumers vulnerable to being overcharged, shut off, and ripped off. You would think Eversource and United Illuminating would be bending over backwards to clear this up. Instead, their response has been astoundingly lax and defensive. Today’s announcement is yet another reason for the legislature’s Energy and Technology Committee to hold an informational hearing to get the answers consumers need. If we don’t, the abuses and predatory practices will continue unabated.”