Ansonia Rotary Club, Mayor Cassetti & Sen. Logan Recognize Ansonia’s Finest

October 18, 2017


More than 50 friends, family and members of Ansonia’s Fire, Police and ARMS departments joined Ansonia Rotary Club members for dinner and to congratulate three outstanding public servants Tuesday evening (Oct. 17) at Ansonia High School.

The Fire Department outstanding service award went to Past Chief Scott Trembley, while the Ansonia Police Department award was presented to Officer Mark Clifford. The ARMS department selected EMTTravis Nelson for recognition.

Each member was congratulated and presented a plaque by Rotary Club President Lori Veillette. Mayor David Cassetti and Senator George Logan also presented the awardees with citations from the City as well as the CT General Assembly, and commended the three members for their commitment to the safety of City residents and for the dedication and performance that led to their selection.

This was the 17th year that the Rotary Club has recognized outstanding first responders in Ansonia. The event was supported by the Valley Community Foundation, the Liberty Bank Foundation and donations from the community. The event chairman was Cheryl Biros of the Ned Miller Agency/Starkweather-Shepley Insurance Co.

Ansonia Rotary Club meets for lunch weekly at Crave Restaurant. For more information, go to