Focusing on Cancer Prevention and Protecting the Public Health

March 22, 2017



Attached photo: Connecticut Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Raul Pino (left) speaks with Sen. George S. Logan (right) on the latest edition of Sen. Logan’s tv show “The Senate Reports”. Commissioner Pino and Sen. Logan discussed DPH’s ongoing cancer prevention awareness efforts and DPH’s focus on reaching out to Connecticut’s African-American community. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in the State of Connecticut. The show airs on Access TV 22 ( and can be viewed at Logan’s website . Logan, who serves as Vice-Chair of the legislature’s Public Health Committee, represents Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Derby, Hamden, Naugatuck and Woodbridge. He can be reached at [email protected] and 800-842-1421.