Senator Martin Says Governor’s Budget Will burden Middle Class Taxpayers

February 8, 2017

State Senator Henri Martin (R-31) today said Governor Malloy’s proposed budget would increase the tax burden on the middle class without providing the economic stability he promised.

“Not only does the Governor’s budget bill towns for one third of the Teachers’ Retirement Fund, it reduces the funding they receive from the state. This practically guarantees that towns will have to raise property taxes,” Sen. Martin said.

Additionally, the budget proposes a reduction in the Earned Income Tax Credit received by low-income workers and increases the taxes on cigarettes and alcohol. It also proposes to increase the bottle deposit fee from 5-10 cents.

“One of the biggest insults to the middle class is the Governor’s proposal to eliminate the $200 property tax credit residents receive on the income tax,” Sen. Martin said. “This virtually picks the pockets of 874,000 families.”

Sen. Martin said that while he is interested in looking at proposed municipal mandate relief, he does not believe the measures provide enough of the right kind of relief local governments need. The budget also does not give enough detail about the $700 million in state employee union concessions and how they will be achieved.

“The Governor’s budget is big on promises but short on detail,” Sen. Martin said. “Our taxpayers, businesses, and towns need real relief and a plan that builds a roadmap to economic recovery and a sustainable future. That is not what we got today.”

Sen. Martin said he will continue to work with legislators on a responsible budget that will help grow Connecticut’s economy, businesses, and jobs.

Sen. Martin represents the communities of Bristol, Plainville, Plymouth, and Thomaston.