Fasano: Rep. Aresimowicz Campaign Funding Proposal is a Disingenuous Attempt to Distract from Real Issues

November 3, 2016

Hartford – Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) released the following statement regarding Representative Joe Aresimowicz’s press conference today regarding independent expenditures in state elections.

“Before you look in someone else’s backyard, why don’t you clean up your own? While Rep. Aresimowicz and legislative Democrats voted to weaken the state’s clean election system repeatedly, and open the floodgates to state party money, now all of a sudden he’s concerned about what independent individuals are spending their own money on? Rep. Aresimowicz has completely avoided addressing the fact that Democrats are using money from their party, money that is currently under federal criminal investigation for including banned state contractor donations, to fund races across the state. So Rep. Aresimowicz is okay with federal money in state elections and pay-to-play with state contractors, but not okay with independent individuals legally spending their money on those they support?

“If Rep. Aresimowicz were serious about keeping elections clean, why are we all of sudden hearing these concerns now just days before an election? The Democratic Party has had unfettered control of the state for the past six years. Yet in that time they have only weakened the state’s clean election system, and rejected Republicans’ attempts to implement realistic changes to keep elections clean. He had a chance to reform our system, and he refused to do anything about it.

“It’s blatantly obvious that Rep. Aresimowicz is doing anything possible to change the conversation and move it away from jobs and the economy. Whether you like it or not, you can’t stop people from voicing political speech. Freedom of speech is a constitutional right. What lawmakers can take action on here in Connecticut is to do things like require donor name disclosure, cap what donors can contribute to state parties, and stop state contractors from donating to federal accounts to fund state races. All of these are realistic, enforceable proposals Republicans have supported – and Democrat lawmakers like Rep. Aresimowicz have rejected repeatedly.”