Help us fight the ‘Mileage Tax’ and tone-deaf UConn raises

July 1, 2016

Connecticut Republicans want to stop the proposed ‘mileage tax’ pilot program and stop absurd raises for top UConn staff during these tough financial times.

Republicans are calling for a special session to take action on behalf of taxpayers.

We proposed establishing state oversight of UConn salaries and raises and passing legislation to prohibit any mileage tax pilot program.

Unfortunately, Senate Democrats flat out rejected our proposal.

Click here to read and share my reaction to the Democrats’ rejection of our plan to take action and stand up for taxpayers.

To help fight the ‘mileage tax’ proposal and the tone-deaf UConn raises please share this message and spread the word so that all taxpayers can be informed about what’s going on at the state Capitol.

You, the taxpayers who diligently read my commentaries, completely “get it.” I will continue to rely on you to send me your thoughts, opinions and real life anecdotes as we fight for our state’s future.