Sen. Fasano Responds to Comptroller’s Monthly Budget Letter
October 1, 2015Hartford – Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) released the following statement in response to Comptroller Kevin Lembo’s monthly budget report issued today. Comptroller Lembo suggests in his letter that the state should wait to make budget adjustments until after the next official revenue forecast in November.
“With all due respect to Comptroller Lembo, the ‘wait and see’ tactic of addressing budget shortfalls has proven completely ineffective. Last fiscal year ended with a deficit of $113 million because Democrats repeatedly ignored warning signs, dismissed the facts, and pushed off their decision making to a point in time when it was too late to fix the problem. This year, Connecticut is facing the same issues because of the same policies and the same attitudes. The same strategy of avoiding responsibility will fail again.
“The governor’s cuts will be devastating for people in our state, threatening health care access and services that help the neediest. The comptroller sees that as a reason to ‘pause’ and put everything on hold. I see it as a reason to take action. The budget is a mess. Untouched, the problems we face today will cause more harm down the road.”