Do you think taxes are too high?

September 10, 2015

Next week the State Tax Panel is holding a special public hearing in Hartford. All members of the public are invited to share their ideas, recommendations and solutions to improve CT’s tax system.

How can you make your voice heard?

Testify in person! Click on the video below to learn more about how to testify.

How to testify

If you can’t attend, consider submitting written testimony electronically (in PDF format) by emailing [email protected].

Wednesday, September 16
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm (arrive much earlier to sign up early)*
State Tax Panel Public Hearing
Location: Room 2E of the Legislative Office Building
300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford

*Anyone wishing to speak should be in line by the breakout space next to Room 2E prior to 2:00 pm to participate in the lottery drawing. Each individual will pull a number at that time and that number will correspond to the individuals place on the signup sheet. The lottery will conclude at 3:30. If you miss that timeframe your name will be added to the bottom of the list of speakers by staff in Room 2E.

Click here for more information about the hearing.