Boucher Joins Sen. McLachlan’s Call for GAE Investigation into Absentee Ballot System
September 29, 2015Hartford, CT – Senator Toni Boucher (R-Wilton) released the following statement re: Senator Michael McLachlan’s call for the Government Administration and Elections Committee to investigate the absentee ballot system in Connecticut.
“I too share my frustration about the state of confusion Connecticut’s absentee ballot system has turned out to be. Sen. McLachlan is correct, ‘As policymakers, we should view this situation as a golden opportunity to get to the source of the confusion and to make a bipartisan attempt to inject a thorough dose of common sense into the system.’
“I stand with Sen. McLachlan and would support a Government Administration and Elections Committee informational hearing be held to discuss potential absentee ballot reform measures. For far too long this issue has been unresolved and added to the public’s concern about the voting system’s integrity.
“As Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill, is in charge it would be extremely helpful to hear from her about the current system and how it can be made better.”