Waterford, 2014 Award Recipient for Outstanding Planning Efforts in Connecticut
May 18, 2015Hartford, CT – Senator Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) and State Representative Kathleen McCarty (R-Waterford) presented a special citation recognizing the Plan and Award given to the Town of Waterford’s Town Center Vision and Strategic Plan from The Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association. First Selectman Daniel Steward was on-hand to receive the award along with members of the project’s consulting team.
The State legislators joined town and city planners in recognizing efforts to strengthen Connecticut communities through innovative planning, cultural understanding, and the training of local officials about planning issues and procedures. Waterford had a long-held goal of creating a plan to address Jorden Village and the Civic Triangle. With a Vibrant Communities grant from the CT Trust for Historic Preservation, the town embarked on the task of devising an achievable plan to make these special places walkable and vibrant, protect historic attributes, and establish acceptable development standards for the auto-oriented commercial district immediately to its east.