Sen. Fasano & Sen. Winfield Seek Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reforms

May 27, 2015

Hartford – Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) and Assistant Senate Majority Leader Gary Winfield (D-New Haven) today announced their collaborative efforts, with significant input from House Republicans and Democrats, to negotiate bipartisan criminal justice reforms to address excessive police force, juvenile sentencing and drug possession charges.

“Sen. Winfield, Rep. Klarides, House Democrats, and I have all worked closely throughout the session to move Connecticut forward and identify the areas where our state can do better to reduce recidivism and give everyone an opportunity to succeed in life and move beyond past mistakes,” said Sen. Fasano. “Disrespectful language and insults by the governor’s administration are not motivation, but rather collaboration is what moves us forward. Together, collectively and collaboratively, we are trying to change the conversation about issues that impact everyone in Connecticut, including in our cities. I firmly believe open conversation, and not inflammatory rhetoric, is the only way to achieve real change to better Connecticut. I was honored to work so respectfully with Sen. Winfield and I thank him for his exceptional hard work.”

“Collaboration produces the best pieces of legislation,” said Sen. Winfield. “Democrats and Republicans in the legislature have come together to work on a number of pieces of legislation that impact justice issues across the state. Connecticut is ready for significant change, and I am proud to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to usher in that change. Our state is poised to take the lead on important criminal justice reforms, and it is refreshing to know that our efforts are bipartisan.”

Sen. Fasano and Sen. Winfield plan to roll out bipartisan compromise language on multiple criminal justice issues within the next few days, including legislation concerning drug-free zones around schools, juvenile justice reforms, and excessive police force and body cameras. Bipartisan support is expected in both the Senate and House of Representatives before the end of the legislative session on June 3.