No New Taxes!
May 1, 2015
6 Reasons Taxes Will Rise on CT’s Middle Class
You Had Enough? Tell Gov. Malloy You Oppose These Tax Hikes
The state legislature approved a budget crafted by the majority party and Governor Dannel P. Malloy that will raise taxes by $1.85 billion over the next two years.
These massive tax increases, on top of $6.4 billion in tax increases over the last four years, will further hurt families and businesses.
You should have a voice in this fight.
If you agree that more taxes are bad for our state, and you want your voice to be heard – please sign our petition below
If you agree that more taxes would be bad for our state, and you want your voice to be heard – please sign our petition below
Together, we can make Connecticut better!
Want to sign our petition on paper or distribute at an event? Click here for a PDF version. Once completed, please mail back to the address below:
Senate Republican Office
300 Capitol Avenue
LOB Room 3400
Hartford, CT 06106
Click here to watch featured testimony from the May 11th informational public hearing
Click to read testimony submitted for the May 11th informational public hearing
*The Republican alternative budget, A Blueprint for Prosperity, does NOT call for any new taxes. Click here to find out more.