Sen. Witkos Thanks Poll Workers in Granby
February 13, 2015State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) attended the Granby Poll Worker Appreciation Tea on Wednesday, February 4. The event, organized by the Granby Registrars of Voters, was an opportunity to thank poll workers for their hard work and show appreciation for the important role they have in the community. Special event guests included Granby legislators and officials as well as Secretary of State Denise Merrill.
Pictured in the photo from left to right: State Senator Kevin Witkos, Granby Registrar Laura Wolfe, State Representative Bill Simanski, Granby First Selectman Scott Kuhnly, Granby Town Manager William Smith, Granby Registrar Sarah Thrall, Secretary of State Denise Merrill, Director of Elections Peggy Reeves.