Sen. Linares to State Officials: Reject CL&P’s Rate Hike Request

September 4, 2014

Sen. Art Linares, seated at right, testified Sep. 3 in New London City Hall against the proposed CL&P rate hike which could cost the average ratepayer an extra $150 a year. Linares said residents cannot afford the rate hike. A decision by state officials on the rate hike proposal is expected in December.

Sen. Art Linares on Sep. 3 joined with area residents at New London City Hall to voice his opposition to the proposed CL&P rate hike. Sen. Linares addressed state regulators during a packed public hearing on the proposal.

“I represent 100,000 people,” Sen. Linares said. “As state senator for towns in the Connecticut River Valley from Portland to Lyme, I hear from them every day. I have received many calls and emails on the issue of the rate hike. All of the calls and emails have been from people who are opposed to the rate hike. This rate hike could cost the average ratepayer an extra $150 a year. A senior citizen from Clinton told me there is no way he and his wife can afford to pay an extra $150 a year. There are many, many more people who are in the same situation. Please consider them when you make your decision. Reject this request for a rate hike. There is no way our seniors, our working families, and our most vulnerable citizens can afford $150 more a year. I thank state regulators for holding this public hearing to allow the people’s voices to be heard.”

Sen. Linares urged those who could not attend the hearing in person to email comments on the proposed rate hike to [email protected]. Put “Docket Number 14-05-06” in the email’s subject line, and cc the email to [email protected] . The public can also contact Sen. Linares’ office at 800 842 1421. On the web: .