Medicare For You and Your Loved One

May 8, 2014

State Senator Kelly and State Representative Laura Hoydick Together with The Center For Medicare Advocacy And The Long Term Ombudsman Program Medicare For You and Your Loved One Ms. Judith Stein, Executive Director of the Center for Medicare Advocacy and member of the Federal Commission on Long Term Care will discuss recent Medicare developments and what they mean for you and your family. • Learn about the impact of the recent Jimmo vs. Sebelius settlement for Medicare beneficiaries with long-term and chronic conditions • Find out what it means if a hospital patient is said to be on “Observation Status” and what can be done about it • Q&A Tuesday, June 17, 2014 • 3-5 pm Stratford Library Lovell Room 2203 Main St. • Stratford, CT Free and Open to the Public. Please contact or (860) 240-8862 to reserve your seat! Refreshments will be served Invite you to a presentation