Western CT WWII Vet Featured on Sen. McLachlan’s Cable Access TV Show
April 2, 2014Sen. McLachlan Highlights Western CT Vets in New Cable Access TV Show
A new television show hosted by Sen. Michael McLachlan will begin airing this month on Community Vision 21.
“The show is a tribute to the men and women who have fought for our freedom,” Sen. McLachlan said of the program, which is called “Veteran Spotlight with Senator McLachlan”.
Sen. McLachlan’s first guest, Alexander Sawchyn of Redding, is a World War II veteran. Sawchyn joined the Army Air Corps in 1943 and flew B-29 bombers during the war.
“My discussion with Alex is the first of many talks I plan to have with area veterans,” Sen. McLachlan said. “I want to hear from more area veterans to help them tell their stories. We should never forget what they have done for us.”
Sen. McLachlan’s discussion will air on Community Vision 21 on April 9 and April 16 at 7 p.m. and April 10 and April 17 at 1 p.m. The episode may also be viewed at www.senatormclachlan.com .