Sen. Linares: “Are you fed up with tax hikes?” [Lymes Patch]

June 24, 2013

Article as it appeared in the Lymes Patch
“Axe The Tax” Petition Drive

Gas taxes are set to rise in Connecticut on July 1. Want to join the fight to stop it?
Posted by Jayne Keedle (Editor), June 23, 2013 at 08:00 am

With the largest gas tax hike in state history set to hit Connecticut on July 1, Sen. Art Linares on Monday (June 24) will be at the Mobil Station on 198 Essex Road in Westbrook to talk with motorists about his efforts to prevent the upcoming pain at the pump.

Sen. Linares will be at the Mobil Station, which is located at end of the exit ramp in front of the outlets, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The freshman senator says he wants to get the word out about the tax hike and add taxpayers’ signatures to an “Axe the Gas Tax” petition.

The petition, which can be viewed and signed at, has collected more than 3,500 signatures. The signatures will soon be delivered to the governor.

“Are you fed up with tax hikes?” Sen. Linares said. “If so, I hope to see many area residents on Monday afternoon. Let’s make our voices heard up in Hartford. This gas tax hike will continue to take our state in the wrong direction. It will hurt the people in our communities who can least afford it, like seniors who are on fixed incomes and families and businesses who are barely making ends meet.”

Connecticut’s current taxes on a gallon of gas total about 47 cents. The July 1 tax hike will tack on about four more cents per gallon.

Linares ( represents Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Deep River, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, Old Saybrook, Portland, and Westbrook. He can be reached at [email protected] or at 800-842 1421.