Middlebury Legislators’ Public Safety Proposal Signed Into Law
June 28, 2013The governor has signed into law a proposal from Middlebury legislators which would require the Connecticut State Police to notify all local police departments of any ongoing shooting incident at a school, shopping mall or another heavily populated location.
The measure, backed by Rep. Anthony D’Amelio, Sen. Joan Hartley, and Sen. Rob Kane, makes sure that all local police agencies are notified when there is an active shooter anywhere in the state.
The bill originated at the request of Acting Middlebury Police Chief Richard Wildman, who noted that the new law will enable local departments to send resources to the affected town and also increase security at heavily populated locations in their own communities.
“Notifying every police department during an active shooter incident increases security and safety across our state,” Rep. D’Amelio said. “Giving public safety professionals the tools they need to communicate effectively allows them to implement procedures which enhance our protection and helps them to do their jobs better.”
“This new law will better protect the public and yet is not expected to generate any additional cost for taxpayers,” Senator Joan V. Hartley said. “Most importantly, it will enable local police departments to send resources to the affected town and concurrently increase security in their own communities in the most heavily populated locations.”
“It really makes a difference when people come to the State Capitol to testify on behalf of legislation,” Sen. Kane said. “Chief Wildman did just that back in March. His voice and his common sense idea will result in improved public safety throughout our state, and we thank him.”
D’Amelio represents the 71st district covering Waterbury and Middlebury
Hartley represents the 15th district of Waterbury, Middlebury and Naugatuck.
Kane represents the 32nd district of Bethlehem, Bridgewater, Middlebury, Oxford, Seymour, Southbury, Roxbury, Washington, Watertown, Woodbury