Help Me Prevent A Connecticut Gas Tax Hike

May 2, 2013

One of the largest gas tax hikes in state history could hit Connecticut on July 1.

The July 1 gas tax hike would raise prices at the pump in Connecticut by about 4 cents a gallon.

The gas tax in Connecticut is currently about 22 cents higher than in neighboring states like Massachusetts.

You Can Help Me Prevent the July 1 Gas Tax Hike!

Sign My Petition Below.

Demand that this gas tax hike not go through.

Send a message that we are sick and tired of new taxes.

I will deliver this petition to Gov. Malloy.

Together, we can say “Enough is Enough!”

Join me in saying “No” to the July 1 gas tax hike!

Thank you!

Fill out the information below to sign the petition.
