(Photos) Sen. Linares “High Fives” Colchester Students on Tour State Capitol
April 8, 2013State Sen. Art Linares and State Rep. Melissa Ziobron on April 8 welcomed students from Jack Jackter Intermediate School in Colchester to the historic State Capitol in Hartford. The legislators talked to the students about their work on behalf of Colchester and area residents, and the students asked the legislators questions about state government.
Sen. Art Linares (center) “high fives” students from Jack Jackter Intermediate School in Colchester while in the Senate Chamber of the State Capitol. The students toured the State Capitol on April 8 and met with Linares and State Rep. Melissa Ziobron.
Students from Jack Jackter Intermediate School in Colchester are eager to answer a question about their state government posed by State Sen. Art Linares (standing, center right). The students toured the State Capitol on April 8 and met with Linares and State Rep. Melissa Ziobron.