Senator Witkos Updates Hartland Residents at Board of Selectmen Meeting
March 14, 2013Hartland – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) and State Representative Bill Simanski (R-62) provided a legislative and budget update to the Hartland Board of Selectmen at the Town Hall Community Room on Monday, March 11th.
“As your state senator, I believe it is important to keep you informed of everything that is going on in Hartford,” said Senator Witkos. “If the current budget proposal were enacted, Hartland would stand to lose over $350,000 from its annual budget, requiring the town to increase residential taxes or cut essential services. Many of us would like to avoid that situation, so your input will help me to provide other legislators with a better alternative.”
The legislators discussed a variety of topics concerning state government with Hartland residents, including the governor’s proposed state budget, Connecticut’s budget deficit and proposed increases in spending, the elimination of the car tax and the high cost of living.