Senator Witkos Visits 8th Grade Class at Avon Middle School
February 20, 2013Avon – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8) visited the 8th grade class at Avon Middle School on Friday, February 15th.
“After receiving several hundred letters sharing your ideas for proposed legislation, I am proud to be here today to tell you about what we do in Hartford,” said Senator Witkos. “Each year, the goal is to improve life for families around our state, and my priorities have been to create jobs and solve the budget problems. Your input was a valuable part of the legislative process, and I cannot thank you enough for reaching out to me over the past few weeks.”
Senator Witkos discussed the 2013 legislative session, answered questions from students and presented the 8th grade class with a signed photograph of the State Capitol. Before the visit, Senator Witkos received hundreds of letters sharing students’ ideas on how to improve laws in Connecticut.
Senator Witkos may be contacted by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1-800-842-1421.