Suzio, Markley Rally for Gas Tax Relief; Urge Taxpayers to “Light Up The Phones”

April 23, 2012

Nearly 100 taxpayers turned out to rally for tax relief on April 21 at the Cheshire Gulf Station on 1125 Highland Avenue (Route 10).

State Sen. Len Suzio and State Sen. Joe Markley led the rally, touting their proposal which could save taxpayers 17 cents a gallon at the pumps this summer.

The legislators’ “2 for 2” plan would lower the state’s petroleum gross receipts tax from 7.5 percent to 2 percent during the 2 summer driving months.

“The turnout was impressive, and it shows just how fed up people are with high gas prices,” Suzio said. “Now, we need taxpayers to light up the phones. Call Gov. Malloy at 860 566-4840. Tell him you support our “2 for 2” plan to lower the gas tax. Call your legislators. Ask them if they support our “2 for 2” plan. We need taxpayers to speak out right now if they want results.

“We succeeded in capping the rising gas tax last month because thousands of Connecticut citizens made their voices loud and clear by contacting the governor and state legislators,” Suzio said. “If we can generate that kind of pressure again, we can get a significant reduction in gas taxes this summer. You, your friends, and your neighbors can help us send that message to Hartford. Please start calling the governor and your legislators as soon as possible.”