Senator Witkos Congratulates Capitol Interns at Recognition Ceremony

April 24, 2012
State Senator Kevin Witkos congratulates this year's legislative interns at the annual recognition ceremony in the Senate Chamber on April 19th.

State Senator Kevin Witkos congratulates this year’s legislative interns at the annual recognition ceremony in the Senate Chamber on April 19th.

Hartford – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-8), Chairman of the legislature’s Internship Committee, welcomed interns from the 2012 Legislative Internship Program to the Senate Chamber for an annual recognition ceremony on Thursday, April 19th.

“I am so proud of everything that you have accomplished during these past few months,” said State Senator Kevin Witkos, speaking to the group of interns. “Throughout the rigorous selection process and many days of hard work, I congratulate your efforts to assist legislators with their daily responsibilities while learning more about the importance of public service.”

Senator Witkos has served as Chairman of the Internship Committee since January 2011. During the 2012 legislative session, there were a total of 63 interns who provided assistance to both senators and representatives. Each intern was presented with an official citation and took a photograph with Governor Malloy.

“I strongly encourage anyone considering a career in government or public service to apply for this informative and hands-on internship,” continued Senator Witkos.

The mission of the Legislative Internship Program is “to encourage a high level of personal interaction between legislators and interns” and to learn about important support services including bill analysis and tracking, spot and in-depth research, drafting of news releases and speeches, liaison work and constituent casework.

Future applicants should consider the following criteria:

  • Interested in a government or law career
  • College junior, senior, or have at least 20 college credits
  • Motivated and willing to take on responsibility
  • Connecticut resident

To learn more about the program, please visit their website at