Stratford Legislators Host Education Forum in Stratford
March 23, 2012Stratford – State Senator Kevin C. Kelly (R-21) and State Representatives Laura Hoydick (R-120) and Larry Miller (R-122) hosted an education forum with members of local government and the community at the Stratford Administration Office on Wednesday, March 21st.
“This proposed legislation will affect our towns, our schools and ultimately our children,” said Senator Kelly. “We must continue this dialogue with town officials to ensure that any reforms will benefit our community.”
The forum provided an opportunity for town officials to voice their thoughts and concerns regarding the proposed education reform bill. They spoke about tenure reform, linking certification to teacher evaluations, and increased Education Cost Sharing (ECS) funding.
“Education reform is welcomed by many, and the Governor’s education package has some positive initiatives such as funding 500 new slots for preschool and improving professional development for teachers,” said Representative Laura Hoydick. “Other proposed improvements such as mandate relief would provide much needed relief to towns and cities. Because there are many aspects of this package deserve greater scrutiny, we hosted this forum so that local leaders and parents can fully understand what we are debating and how it can impact our schools and the education of our children.”
“Every person I talk to about education reform says we cannot do a one-sided fits all bill like Governor Malloy wants to do,” said Representative Miller. “Each local school district is unique and what may work in Stratford may not work in Trumbull or Shelton.”
The forum was attended by a dozen people, including the Superintendant and members of the Board of Education.